

Why Tellingstones ?

Local apps are an effective tool to digitally welcome tourists and visitors.

On the other hand, one of the problems of all local Apps lies in their uncontrolled proliferation, which makes the likelihood of them being downloaded inversely proportional to the length of stays.

With just a few steps, it is possible to create a native App dedicated to a Destination, downloadable from the GooglePlay and AppleStore portals, which includes all the features already developed and field-tested by a large community of users, and which can be customised with the name and graphic elements.

Advantages: access to state-of-the-art enabling technologies, virtually immediate release times, no risk and drastically reduced development, maintenance and promotion costs.

Key factors are both the reuse of software components already developed and validated in other contexts, and the availability of third-party technology and service components already developed and made available on the AWS Cloud.